Saturday, July 26, 2014

The black Mona Lisa of Pinterest

Who is she, this mystery woman with the secret smile and beautiful natural hair? Ever since I pinned her picture to my Sister Feelgood Pinterest board several months ago, she has been repinned 901 times and liked 281 times! That's a record for me!

With so many sisters going natural nowadays, we all need to know the secret of her hair care regimen. Please contact me!

Donna Marie

Day 47 – Break down big goals.

If you’re overwhelmed by the bigness of your health goal, break it down into small, manageable pieces.

Women who choose weight loss over weight maintenance can feel overwhelmed by the numbers—the number of pounds you want to lose, the amount of time it’s going to take to get there, the number of calories and fat grams you’re allowed per day—it’s enough to make you scream for mercy. What’s needed is some good ole Black woman ingenuity. Reframe in your mind the parameters of your goal. Think of smaller, more manageable short-term goals. Achievement of these smaller pieces will give you that feeling of accomplishment you so desperately need along the way. So instead of saying, “I want to lose one hundred pounds,” give yourself a weight loss goal of ten pounds. Reward yourself when you succeed. Most of weight loss is a psyche job. It’s a process of mental toughening and imagination work. Olympic athletes often attribute their success not to physical ability, but the strenuous mental work they did prior to competition.

I will rethink my narrow definitions of success.