Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Day 22 – Mold your body into shape

Believe it or not, Black women have the world in the palm of their hands.

Black women are coming from a lot of different places today. We're in school, we work, and we're housewives. No matter what we are doing, there's a common thread that weaves its way through all of our lives. We don't feel in control. There is a greeting card that depicts an African woman holding Earth in the palm of her hand. What an empowering image! The things we could do, the strides we could make if we really believed that we do indeed hold the world in the palm of our hands. It's there to shape and mold as we choose. Imagine your body as a clay figure standing right there in your open hand. The clay is soft and pliable, perfect for molding into your ideal shape. Our world--our situations, our bodies--are there to mold as we choose. We have much more power than we ever imagined.

I see myself molding my body into the shape I desire it to be.

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