Thursday, March 1, 2007

Day 29 – Birthing a new body

One, two, three, push!

If you've ever birthed a baby, you can birth a new body. Birthing a new body is just as hard, and sometimes as painful, as bringing a new life into the world. It takes strength and courage and the ability to bear pain and discomfort. As we stretch still bodies, tax lazy hearts, build muscle, and push past ravenous appetites to wait for hunger cues, we must learn to tolerate these new and uncomfortable feelings. When a woman is in labor, she knows she has no choice; she must have the baby. We must apply the same attitude to our pursuit of health and fitness. We have no choice. We must exercise. We must eat nutritional foods.

I am a strong woman. I can bear the discomfort. I'll push through.

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