Friday, March 9, 2007

Day 35 – Ain't no mountain high enough to keep you from exercising today.

Diana Ross had the right idea. She wasn't going to let a little thing like Mama Nature keep her from her goal. We should be just as determined to achieve our health and fitness goals. Determination is different from obsession. Obsession can lead you down a path filled with diet pills, crash diets, and images of Barbie dancing in your head. Obsession can lead to food diseases like bulimia, anorexia nervosa, and compulsive eating--all of which lead to depression. A determined woman, however, takes a balanced approach to achieving her health and fitness goals. More important, she sets reasonable, achievable goals based on her age, lifestyle, genetic makeup, and body type.

Does my desire originate from internal or external forces? If internal, I know I'm on the right track. If external, I'll sit still in order to hear my inner voice again.

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