Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Day 8 – Visualize your healthy, cute body.

It is written that Black folks don't plan beyond next week, much less twenty years down the road.
One of the weaknesses we Black people must collectively correct is our failure to make and follow through on our goals. We are a jazzy people, a go-with-the-flow type folk, which is fine, but unless you've got a plan, you're going to flow right on out to nowhere. The process of defining and writing down your goals is a tool of empowerment. To strengthen our communities we must create short- and long-term goals. To restore our bodies, we must have a short-term goal that defines our desire to reach our destination of health and fitness and a long-term goal that defines a maintenance plan. Write down your body goals and tape them everywhere so you won't forget--on your bedpost, on your refrigerator, on your mirrors. Tomorrow we'll discuss how to manifest those goals.

I have a vision! I know where I want to go. I will document my goals.

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