Sunday, February 4, 2007

Day 6 – Will builder: Boycott food for a day.

Every once in a while, it's a good idea to go totally without food. No, you won't die. Fasting on water or pure fruit and vegetable juices will clean you out and strengthen your will, not to mention your body. Fasting will also give your digestive system some peace. Fasting can be a very intimidating experience, but it needn't be. Anticipating some of the initial discomforts should help calm your fears. For example, don't be surprised when, on the first day, you experience headaches, nausea, or other physical discomforts. This is your body cleansing itself of toxins. Drinking prune juice a day or two prior to fasting may help. The psychological discomforts, on the other hand, may be a bit more disconcerting. Part of the pleasure of eating is in the chewing. But the mind's ability to adapt to even this, the absence of food, is remarkable--and a blessing.

A little sacrifice is good for building my will. I will try fasting today, from dawn till dusk or for just one meal, whatever I can manage.

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